Apex Consultants Limited
公司地址 : 香港北角電器道 169 號理文商業中心 19 樓 B1 室 電話 Tel : 2578 2105 傳真 Fax: 2566 9147 電郵 Email : apexc@ymail.com
Office Address : Unit B1, 19th Floor, Lee & Man Commercial Center, North Point, Hong Kong
What Changes Human Resources Management?
In recent years, changing business trends have had a significant impact on the broad field of HRM. New technologies, particularly in the areas of electronic communication and information dissemination and retrieval, have dramatically altered the business landscape. Telecommuting, for instance, has become a very popular option for many workers, and HRM professionals have had to develop new guidelines for this emerging subset of employees.
Changes in organizational structure have also influenced the changing face of human resource management. Continued erosion in manufacturing industries coupled with the rise in service industries in those countries, have changed the workplace. Many companies have scrapped or adjusted their traditional, hierarchical organizations structures in favour of flatter management structures. HRM experts note that this shift in responsibility brought with it a need to reassess job descriptions, appraisal systems, and other elements of personnel management.
Accelerating market globalization served to increase competition for both customers and jobs. It enabled some businesses to demand higher performances from their employees while holding the line on compensation.
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